
485 articles

December 19, 2016 • 3 Min

New Biopsy Shows Promise For Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Trovagene is developing a liquid biopsy for pancreatic cancer patients, to allow doctors to test for cancer and track treatment response.

April 13, 2017 • 4 Min

Testing Vitamin C as a Cancer Killer

Lewis Cantley’s team is starting clinical trials of vitamin C to gain more information about its role in stopping cancer.

June 23, 2017 • 4 Min

Targeted Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Margaret Tempero outlines the work being done in the area of targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer, specifically the testing of ibrutinib.

July 27, 2017 • 4 Min

Most Cancer Mutations Are Random DNA Mistakes

In a large study, Dr. Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins found that a majority of cancers, including pancreatic cancer, are caused by random mutations of DNA.

November 20, 2017 • 4 Min

Overcoming Challenges to Vaccine Immunotherapy

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee explains the challenges facing the scientists developing vaccine-based immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

December 5, 2017 • 5 Min

The ABCs of Genetic Testing

There are a number of different genetic mutations that can cause familial pancreatic cancer. This article explains some of the most common ones.

February 27, 2018 • 3 Min

Precision Medicine from the Get-Go for Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Ben George and colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin are using molecular profiling to determine the best chemotherapy for a patient’s pancreatic cancer.

March 12, 2018 • 5 Min

Making Surgery An Option for More Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Dr. John Chabot explains that more pancreatic cancer patients may qualify for surgery if they consult an experience pancreatic surgical team.

May 1, 2018 • 3 Min

Collaborative Multi-Center Immunotherapy Trial Targets CD40 and PD-1

Dr. Mark O’Hara outlines a collaborative clinical trial of two immunotherapy agents–a checkpoint inhibitor and a monoclonal antibody–plus standard chemotherapy.

December 17, 2018 • 4 Min

Aiming to Improve Immunotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Deirdre Cohen discusses clinical trials that aim to improve the effectiveness of immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

February 4, 2019 • 5 Min

Genetic Testing for All Pancreatic Cancer Patients

A study by Dr. Gloria Petersen’s research team has led to an official recommendation that all pancreatic cancer patients get genetic testing.

February 15, 2019 • 4 Min

Pancreatic Microbiome May Hold the Key To Better Treatment

Dr. Deirdre Cohen’s research into the pancreatic microbiome has found that gut bacteria may directly influence the effectiveness of immunotherapy.

May 2, 2019 • 5 Min

Two Enzymes May Predict Pancreatic Cancer Severity and Development

Dr. Alexandra Newton and her lab have found that the relationship between two enzymes common to cancer may play a role in pancreatic cancer prognosis.

May 15, 2019 • 5 Min

Representing Genetic and Clinical Diversity in Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Kentaro Sudo explores the possible causes for different responses to drugs among ethnic groups, pointing to the need for clinical diversity in trials.

August 1, 2019 • 4 Min

New Study Combines Checkpoint Inhibitors with Radiation Therapy to Boost Immune Response

Dr. Theodore Hong combines checkpoint inhibitors–a type of immunotherapy–with radiation to boost the immune system in pancreatic cancer treatment.