Personalized Treatment Plans
497 articles
Cachexia Research Showing Promise
Dr. Teresa Zimmers reports on the latest developments in countering cachexia in pancreatic cancer patients.
GENERATE Study Aims to Improve Genetic Testing and Prevention for Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Sapna Syngal outlines the GENERATE study, which aims to help families with a risk for pancreatic cancer by providing genetic testing.
Challenge Grant Recipients Moving Forward
The Pancreatic Cancer Collective awarded four teams a second round of New Therapies Challenge Grants, to further develop new pancreatic cancer treatment.
PATHFINDER Blood Test Trial Focused on Early Detection
Dr. Minetta Liu is part of the team conducting a clinical trial to find biomarkers that will become an easy blood test for pancreatic cancer.
New Guidelines on the Use of Radiation for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
New clinical guidelines from the American Society for Radiation Oncology will help clarify the best uses of radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Working With your Doctor to Find Clinical Trials
Oncologist Dr. Kim A. Reiss explains the importance of clinical trials and family history of cancer when choosing a treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Living Longer with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Dr. Pamela Hodul walks us through different types of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNET) and how rare they are along with the latest treatment options.
Eighteen Important Words to Know if You Have Pancreatic Cancer
When you start pancreatic cancer treatment it seems like everyone is speaking a language you don’t know. Here are 18 important words to help you along.
Exercise Before, During, and After Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Could Save Your Life
Dr. Matthew Katz explains the benefits of even the most modest amount of exercise throughout pancreatic cancer treatment.