198 articles
Pancreatic Cancer Research Builds Upon Strengths
The September 2023 AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer focused on the latest research in KRAS, chemotherapy, and cachexia, among other topics.
Nutrition Myths Debunked
Does sugar really feed cancer? Is a keto diet better for cancer? Should cancer patients avoid fats? Dietitians L.J. Amaral and Jessica Harrison take on common nutrition myths.
Unraveling the Web for Reliable Pancreatic Cancer Information
Dr. Mark Lewis and journalist Steve Doig explain how to judge whether the information about pancreatic cancer on the internet is from a reliable source.
Drafting Your Health Care Team
If you have pancreatic cancer, a treatment team of experts from across the medical profession will make sure you get the best care.
International Advocacy Efforts Help Pancreatic Cancer Patients
#PurpleOur World, Fondazione Nadia Valsecchi, and The John E. Sabga Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer provide different types of advocacy for patients and caregivers from around the world.
Learn More About Qualifying for Clinical Trials
Dr. Anup Kasi provides in-depth information and answers questions about qualifying for pancreatic cancer clinical trials.