
499 articles

November 20, 2017 • 4 Min

Overcoming Challenges to Vaccine Immunotherapy

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee explains the challenges facing the scientists developing vaccine-based immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

January 29, 2018 • 5 Min

The Stroma Presents Challenges and Treatment Opportunities

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee explains how researchers are approaching penetrating the fibrous stroma around pancreatic tumors, which has long challenged treatment.

September 12, 2018 • 3 Min

Tough Tortoise of a Drug Beating Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Rexahn Pharmaceuticals is testing RX-3117, a slow-releasing drug similar to gemcitabine, in a clinical trial for metastatic pancreatic cancer patients.

May 15, 2019 • 5 Min

Representing Genetic and Clinical Diversity in Pancreatic Cancer

Dr. Kentaro Sudo explores the possible causes for different responses to drugs among ethnic groups, pointing to the need for clinical diversity in trials.

December 10, 2019 • 5 Min

Study Shows Fungi Boost Pancreatic Cancer Development and Growth

Drs. George Miller and Berk Aykut are leading research into the role of fungi in the growth and development of pancreatic cancer.

January 23, 2020 • 7 Min

What Happens When Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Fail?

Why do clinical trials fail? What about the patients on the trial? Learn more about what happens when pancreatic cancer clinical trials fail.

August 10, 2020 • 7 Min

PATHFINDER Blood Test Trial Focused on Early Detection

Dr. Minetta Liu is part of the team conducting a clinical trial to find biomarkers that will become an easy blood test for pancreatic cancer.

January 13, 2021 • 5 Min

Finding More Targets for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Dr. Noelle LoConte discusses a clinical trial for cancer patients, including pancreatic cancer patients, that have an NRG1 gene fusion.

September 15, 2021 • 5 Min

An Update on Vitamin C and Cancer

Vitamin C can have a positive impact on pancreatic cancer treatments. Read the latest research on vitamin C’s role in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

October 1, 2021 • 7 Min

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Virtual Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer Day One

Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation present highlights of Day One of the AACR Virtual Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer.

July 27, 2022 • 5 Min

Report Highlights Potential of TCR Therapy

Read about the potential of TCR therapy, a technique used with success for one pancreatic cancer patient in a groundbreaking immunotherapy clinical trial.

March 13, 2020 • 7 Min

COVID-19: What You Should Do Now

Learn what you should do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially if you have a weakened immune system from pancreatic cancer treatment.

May 20, 2020 • 5 Min

Reopening America: Guidelines For Pancreatic Cancer Patients

As states begin to reopen their economies, the threat of COVID-19 remains. Dr. Allyson Ocean has recommendations for pancreatic cancer patients.

Survivor Stories
November 30, 2022 • 6 Min

Being Persistent Led to my Cancer Diagnosis

Rod Devlin wasn’t getting an answer to his pain but he was persistent until he finally found a doctor that would give him a scan.

Survivor Stories
January 24, 2023 • 7 Min

Learning All I Can About PNET

Burt Rosen received a double whammy diagnosis of PNET and kidney cancer, but he’s determined to learn as much as he can about his disease.