Survivor Stories

552 articles

Survivor Stories
April 2, 2018 • 4 Min

Genomic Testing of Pancreatic Tumor Leads to an Important Discovery

Connie Waxman learned the value of palliative care after chemotherapy, radiation, and a pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer; then she had genomic testing.

Survivor Stories
July 19, 2017 • 5 Min

Hope and a Chance to Fight

Irwin Greenblatt just wanted a chance, so after Whipple surgery he agreed to join a chemotherapy clinical trial. His wife Audrey tells their story.

Survivor Stories
August 1, 2017 • 6 Min

Taking Nothing For Granted

After Whipple surgery and chemoradiation, Susan Zbacnik had molecular profiling, genetic testing, and joined an Immunotherapy clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
September 28, 2018 • 6 Min

A Charley Horse Led to Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Discovery

Mark Head thought he had a Charley horse, but it turned out to be a more serious deep vein thrombosis. A scan for the source found a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

Survivor Stories
October 11, 2018 • 4 Min

Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms

It took Ed Duncan a long time to recognize that the symptoms he had added up to a very serious disease: pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
November 9, 2018 • 7 Min

Life With Pancreatic Cancer and on Clinical Trials

After a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, former basketball coach and GM Rob Babcock realized his best chance was with clinical trials.

Survivor Stories
January 14, 2020 • 5 Min

At a Crossroads for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Ed O’Connor has been getting chemotherapy for his pancreatic cancer since 2016. His disease is stable and he has to decide whether to cut back on the chemo.

Survivor Stories
March 31, 2020 • 5 Min

Strong Like a Dinosaur

Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on her 40th birthday, Andrea Barkstrom receives chemotherapy and is living up to her motto: Strong Like a Dinosaur.

Survivor Stories
April 13, 2020 • 3 Min

A Genetic Mutation Aids My Treatment

Malcolm Robertson carries the BRCA2 mutation, so when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, platinum-based chemo was part of his treatment.

Survivor Stories
April 24, 2020 • 5 Min

Genetic Testing Leads Me to a PARP Inhibitor Trial

Harvey Parker had genetic testing as part of his initial pancreatic cancer treatment. The BRCA2 mutation led him to a PARP inhibitor clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
May 7, 2020 • 4 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Caught Early Because of My Vigilance

Beverly Leighton joined a screening study and underwent genetic testing because of her family history of pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
September 25, 2020 • 10 Min

Unexpected Blessings From My Pancreatic Cancer

Kelly Pankratz says she has been graced with unexpected blessings in her pancreatic cancer journey, which includes pancreatectomy surgery.

Survivor Stories
January 17, 2019 • 7 Min

A Clinical Trial for a Rare Pancreatic Cancer

Allison Lippman Kuban was trying to tolerate a difficult chemotherapy regimen when a mutation was found that qualified her for a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
January 30, 2019 • 6 Min

Choosing the Strongest Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer

Miriam Hermosa decided to take advantage of her relatively good health and try pancreatic cancer treatment with FOLFIRINOX to get more time with her family.

Survivor Stories
February 25, 2019 • 3 Min

If Something Feels Wrong, Insist on Testing

Kristin Sine wanted an answer to her mysterious pain, but she had to insist on testing to find out she had a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.