Molecular Profiling

186 articles

Survivor Stories
June 19, 2019 • 5 Min

Twice Facing Pancreatic Cancer

Steven Lewis has faced down pancreatic cancer twice–first with a Whipple, chemo and radiation; then with liver surgery for metastasis.

Survivor Stories
August 22, 2019 • 3 Min

I’ll Never Stop Fighting

When Lynne Holcomb was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, she kept fighting through treatment and made it onto a clinical trial.

Survivor Stories
September 5, 2019 • 6 Min

Kicking Pancreatic Cancer’s Butt

When Margie Goldsmith was diagnosed with an IPMN she made it her goal to beat that pancreatic cancer. It took two more tries but she did it.

Survivor Stories
September 18, 2019 • 11 Min

Pitching a Perfect Game Against Pancreatic Cancer

Andy Spiteri is a fantasy sports enthusiast, so he turned to his favorite activity to help him through pancreatic cancer treatment.

Survivor Stories
October 1, 2019 • 9 Min

A Second Opinion Leads to a New Treatment Plan

Brad Kerr changed his pancreatic cancer treatment plan after getting a second opinion, and had neoadjuvant chemotherapy before his Whipple.

Survivor Stories
August 30, 2022 • 3 Min

Family History Matters

After Martin Abrams lost two siblings to pancreatic cancer, he made sure he was screened regularly because of his family history.

Survivor Stories
February 18, 2018 • 1 Min

Finding Your Own Hope: A Seven-Year Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer

Nancy is a 7-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. Watch the video to hear what she says about battling pancreatic cancer and being a long-term survivor.

April 5, 2021 • 2 Min

Adaptive Pre-Surgery Therapy for Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer

Will a flexible approach to neoadjuvant treatment work better for pancreatic cancer patients with tumors that can be removed surgically?

Survivor Stories
September 22, 2022 • 1 Min

The Optimist

Roxanne Waling is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, and she credits her integrative oncology team for helping her through.

Survivor Stories
March 2, 2021 • 2 Min

Pancreatic Cancer During the Pandemic

Barbara Wojciechowski was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as the pandemic was rising, affecting her family support during treatment.

Survivor Stories
May 17, 2021 • 3 Min

The Benefit of Being Your Own Advocate

Eric Borden decided to advocate for himself when a lesion was found on his pancreas. It was a good choice because it was pancreatic cancer.

Survivor Stories
February 17, 2022 • 5 Min

Endurance Athlete Enduring Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

After a stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis, Dr. Kevin Moore had cytoreductive surgery to remove the metastases in his abdomen.

Survivor Stories
May 18, 2022 • 4 Min

Early Diagnosis, Great Doctors, and Prayer

Jennifer Lambert was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer while on vacation in Spain. She returned home for a Whipple procedure and chemotherapy.

September 29, 2022 • 4 Min

Newly Discovered Protein Complex in RAS Pathway May Provide a Treatment Target

Dr. Andrew Aguirre and other researchers from Dana-Farber and the Broad Institute are looking at the RAS pathway for a new target.

July 28, 2016 • 6 Min

Novel Drug Therapy Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Reducing Levels of Antioxidants

New research finds that reducing antioxidants can help kill pancreatic cancer cells, suggesting a new direction for treatment.