Other Science
Stay on top of the research into the science behind pancreatic cancer and meet the researches hoping to stop the disease.
54 Articles

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Virtual Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer Day Two
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation bring you the highlights from Day Two of the AACR special conference on pancreatic cancer.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Virtual Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer Day One
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation present highlights of Day One of the AACR Virtual Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer.

Diversity Lacking in Pancreatic Cancer Trials
Drs. Kelly Herremans and Jose Trevino report on the lack of diversity in pancreatic cancer clinical trials, and possible root causes.

AACR Annual Meeting 2021 Highlights
Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation bring you the pancreatic cancer research highlights of the 2021 AACR Annual Meeting,

Tweeting About Tumors and How Best to Provide Care
Dr. Michael Pishvaian launches #TumorBoardTuesday, a continuing medical education Twitter chat, to discuss patient treatments for GI cancers.

A Year in Review: 2020
In March 2020, life as we knew it changed. The way we work, the way we gather, the way we each live our daily lives all felt upended, seemingly overnight. The global pandemic of COVID-19 affected everything, including cancer care and research. COVID-19 brought new risks to cancer patients, whose immune systems are compromised from […]

Cachexia Research Gaining Momentum
Why do pancreatic cancer patients lose weight even if they are eating well? Dr. Teresa Zimmers explains the syndrome called cachexia.

An Interview with Dr. Tyler Jacks
Dr. Tyler Jacks is one of the leading pancreatic cancer researchers. Read what he has to say about KRAS, organoids, and running a lab in a pandemic.

The Future of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Anil Rustgi discusses the latest developments in pancreatic cancer treatment and the direction of current research in early detection.

Targeting Metabolic Vulnerability
Dr. Jordan Winter looks at cell metabolism to find areas of vulnerability in pancreatic cancer cells, to find a way to create better treatments.

Looking Back at the Year in Research: 2019
Research highlights of 2019 include: approval of a PARP inhibitor, artificial intelligence to diagnose pancreatic cysts, and updated radiation guidelines.

Study Shows Fungi Boost Pancreatic Cancer Development and Growth
Drs. George Miller and Berk Aykut are leading research into the role of fungi in the growth and development of pancreatic cancer.

The Link Between Depression and Pancreatic Cancer
Drs. Annette Stanton and Michael Irwin outline the links between depression and pancreatic cancer, both as a symptom of the disease and post-diagnosis.