
891 Articles

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee
November 20, 2017 • 4 Min

Overcoming Challenges to Vaccine Immunotherapy

Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee explains the challenges facing the scientists developing vaccine-based immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

Julie Fleshman (PanCAN), Cindy Gavin (Let's Win), Barbara Kenner (Kenner Family Research Fund), Dino Varelli (Project Purple), Kerri Kaplan (Lustgarten Foundation), Liz Feld (Suzanne Wright Foundation) in front of the Madison Square Garden marquee in New York, for World Pancreatic Cancer Day
November 16, 2017 • 1 Min

World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition Members Demand Better on World Pancreatic Cancer Day

World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition members come together on World Pancreatic Cancer Day to demand better for patients, treatments, early detection, research.

Cindy Gavin (Let's Win) and Kerri Kaplan (Lustgarten Foundation) wearing purple on a New York street for World Pancreatic Cancer Day
November 16, 2017 • 1 Min

Let’s Win and the Lustgarten Foundation Demand Better for World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Cindy Gavin of Let’s Win and Kerri Kaplan of the Lustgarten Foundation demand better for treatments and research on World Pancreatic Cancer Day.

Cindy Gavin of Let's Win in purple in on the street in New York City, in front of Madison Square Garden's marquee that says Demand Better, for World Pancreatic Cancer Day
November 16, 2017 • 1 Min

Cindy Gavin Demands Better for World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Cindy Gavin, Founding Executive Director of Let’s Win, demands better treatment options for World Pancreatic Cancer Day in this PSA.

DNA analysis image with red, green and light blue bars in vertical columns, all in royal blue.
November 15, 2017 • 2 Min

Trying Targeted Treatments Used for Other Cancers

Researchers are trying kinase inhibitors that are effective for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and melanoma on pancreatic cancer.

Close up of three purple flowers with yellow centers
Survivor Stories
November 10, 2017 • 5 Min

Advocating For My Own Future

Kay Kays is a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer who has learned to advocate for herself to get the treatments she needs.

Dr. Allyson Ocean
November 7, 2017 • 4 Min

Standard of Care Plus

Dr. Allyson Ocean explains why pancreatic cancer patients should consider clinical trials, which go beyond standard of care.

White and gray overlapping circles on a dark background
November 2, 2017 • 2 Min

Testing a Breast Cancer Drug for Other Advanced Solid Tumors

In a clinical trial, a new class of breast cancer drug called a kinase inhibitor is being tested to treat pancreatic cancer.

FAQs on a purple background with an icon showing speech bubbles with question marks and lines for text
November 1, 2017 • 5 Min

Frequently Asked Questions About Pancreatic Cancer

Have you or someone you love just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? Learn some basic facts about this disease from our FAQ.

Pancreatic cancer patient Rachel Santmyer-Flores and her daughter
Survivor Stories
October 30, 2017 • 3 Min

Take the Time to Consider Your Options

Rachel Santmyer-Flores decided to look at her options before choosing a clinical trial of PEGPH20 for her pancreatic cancer treatment.

DNA double helix
October 25, 2017 • 4 Min

More Research Needed for Pancreatic Cancer Immunotherapy

Dr. Luis Diaz provides a status check for immunotherapy treatments for pancreatic cancer, including an explanation of different types.

Chemistry test tubes that are capped and filled with yellow and pink liquids, laying flat on a dark blue table
October 20, 2017 • 2 Min

Novel Drug Combination Plus Radiation for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical trial combines immunotherapy, common treatments, an antiretroviral drug, and SBRT for locally advanced pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic canc er survivor Carolynn Kiel
Survivor Stories
October 17, 2017 • 3 Min

Early Detection Makes All the Difference

Carolynn Kiel lost her mother and sister to pancreatic cancer. Regular screening allowed early detection of her pancreatic cancer.

Gloria Peterson, Ph.D.
October 12, 2017 • 5 Min

Tumor Genetics Research Brings Some Answers for Families at High Risk

Professor Gloria Peterson of the Mayo Clinic is working on tumor genetics to help make early detection of pancreatic cancer a reality.

clear test tubes with black caps and wavy lines on them sit upright in a solid metal rack, with red, white, and blue light shined on them
October 9, 2017 • 1 Min

Investigating a Drug Used for Other Cancers

In a clinical trial, researchers are adding the drug decitabine to gemcitabine, for patients with advanced cancer that is not responding to treatment.