892 Articles

Precision Radiotherapy to Make Pancreatic Tumors Removable
A clinical trial tests a precision radiation technique called intensity-modulated radiation therapy against locally advanced pancreatic cancer.

Using Tumor Tissue Samples to Break Down Assumptions About Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue uses tumor tissue samples to study how pancreatic cancer tumors develop, so she can find ways to stop the disease.

New Pancreatic Cancer Public Service Announcement
Let’s Win and the Elvin Howard Sr. Pancreatic Cancer Advocacy Foundation announce a joint public service announcement in a press release.

Let’s Win and the Elvin Howard, Sr. PCAF Raise Awareness with a New PSA
The Elvin Howard, Sr. Pancreatic Cancer Advocacy Foundation and Let’s Win release a new PSA to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer in people of color.

Studying One Family’s Mutations May Change Pancreatic Cancer Treatment and Prevention
Dr. Sahar Nissim is studying the genetic mutations in one family predisposed to pancreatic cancer, to find new ways to combat the disease.

Searching for Potential Pancreatic Cancer Blood Biomarkers
Researchers are using blood samples to follow people considered at risk for developing pancreatic cancer in a trial looking for early detection biomarkers.

Dousing Out-of-Control KRAS Signaling in Pancreatic Cancer
Rene Bernards and his team are targeting the signaling pathway of the KRAS mutation, which occurs in almost all pancreatic cancers.