
892 Articles

Fractal flame ribbons in whte and red on a black background
May 15, 2020 • 2 Min

Targeted Therapy to Inhibit Connective Tissue Growth in Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers are testing a new antibody, a type of targeted therapy, in combination with standard treatment for pancreatic cancer in a phase III trial.

May 13, 2020 • 2 Min

Dos and Don’ts for Wearing Cloth Masks

Make sure you are wearing your cloth mask correctly to protect others from COVID-19 as you venture out more. And be sure to handle your mask properly after.

Dino Verrelli and Dr. Diane Simeone
May 12, 2020 • 7 Min

Earlier Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Dino Verrelli of Project Purple joins with Dr. Diane Simeone on the PRECEDE Consortium to develop earlier detection and new pancreatic cancer treatments.

Amy and Mom
Survivor Stories
May 8, 2020 • 1 Min

I’m Going to Beat This

Amy Zaterman is a long-term survivor who relied on her mother for support during treatment for stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

pancreatic cancer patient Beverly Leighton and her family
Survivor Stories
May 7, 2020 • 4 Min

Pancreatic Cancer Caught Early Because of My Vigilance

Beverly Leighton joined a screening study and underwent genetic testing because of her family history of pancreatic cancer.

May 5, 2020 • 2 Min

Worried About Getting COVID-19 from Shipped Packages? Wash Your Hands!

Can cardboard packages bring COVID-19 into your house? What should you do? The experts all agree: Wash your hands thoroughly after handling packages.

Social worker Lauren Shaffer discussed scanxiety.
Taking Care of Your Mental Health
May 4, 2020 • 5 Min

Where Caregivers Can Turn When they Need Support

Social worker Lauren Shaffer provides information about how and where caregivers for pancreatic cancer patients can get support and help for themselves.

Dr. Manish Shah
April 29, 2020 • 5 Min

High-Dose Vitamin C Targeting KRAS and BRAF in Pancreatic Cancer

Learn how Dr. Manish Shah is leading clinical trials using high-dose Vitamin C to target KRAS and BRAF mutations in pancreatic cancer.

Fluffy gray kitten on a spotted fake fur blanket
April 28, 2020 • 2 Min

The Facts About COVID-19 and Pets

Can you get COVID-19 from your cat or dog? Can your pet get COVID-19 from you? Learn the facts about coronavirus and our pets.

April 28, 2020 • 1 Min

Adapting Cancer Medicine Is Key Part of Containing COVID-19

In an interview with OncLive, Dr. Allyson Ocean discusses the risks faced by cancer patients in treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Long-term pancreatic cancer survivor Bill Shrieves and his wife Jean
Survivor Stories
April 27, 2020 • 1 Min

Hope and Support

Long-term pancreatic cancer survivor Bill Shrieves founded a nonprofit to bring more information about the disease to his rural community.

pancreatic cancer patient Harvey Parker and his wife and daughters
Survivor Stories
April 24, 2020 • 5 Min

Genetic Testing Leads Me to a PARP Inhibitor Trial

Harvey Parker had genetic testing as part of his initial pancreatic cancer treatment. The BRCA2 mutation led him to a PARP inhibitor clinical trial.

graph that shows flattening the curve of an infection
April 22, 2020 • 2 Min

Understanding “Flattening the Curve” and Why it’s Important

What does “flattening the curve” mean when it comes to COVID-19? Does it mean the pandemic is over? Read our story to learn more and how you can stay healthy.

Test tubes in a gold test tube holder
April 21, 2020 • 2 Min

Testing a Drug that Works Only in the Tumor Microenvironment

Scientists are trying a new type of drug combination that gets activated only in the unique conditions of the tumor microenvironment.

Grayscale image of coronaviruses
April 20, 2020 • 3 Min

COVID-19 and Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials

How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting clinical trials? Learn more about what steps are being taken to protect patients on trials, plus more.