128 Articles

Studying a New Approach for the Liquid Biopsy
Drs. Allyson Ocean and Ying-Hsiu Su lead a liquid biopsy pilot study looking for KRAS proteins in urine, to detect pancreatic cancer.

Blood-Based Test Predicts What Drugs May Work Best
Dr. Kenneth Yu is testing a blood-based assay that looks at which types of chemotherapies will work best for each pancreatic cancer patient.

RNA Precision Trial for Pancreatic Cancer Opens At Columbia
Dr. Andrea Califano leads a precision oncology clinical trial of the OncoTreat platform, which looks at proteins to determine treatment.

Finding More Targets for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Noelle LoConte discusses a clinical trial for cancer patients, including pancreatic cancer patients, that have an NRG1 gene fusion.

What You Should Know About Tumor Boards
A tumor board brings together experts in different treatment fields to discuss your case and help direct your pancreatic cancer treatment.

PATHFINDER Blood Test Trial Focused on Early Detection
Dr. Minetta Liu is part of the team conducting a clinical trial to find biomarkers that will become an easy blood test for pancreatic cancer.

Canadian Study NeoPancONE Focuses on Biomarker Validation
Dr. Jennifer Knox is leading the NeoPancONE trial for a biomarker that indicates which patients will respond better to certain chemotherapy before surgery.

Eighteen Important Words to Know if You Have Pancreatic Cancer
When you start pancreatic cancer treatment it seems like everyone is speaking a language you don’t know. Here are 18 important words to help you along.