498 articles
Low-Dose Continuous Chemotherapy as Part of a New Combination of Drugs
A clinical trial uses a new immunotherapy drug in combination with standard chemotherapy drugs in metronomic therapy to treat metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Mary Fisher
The world “discovered” Mary Fisher on the evening of August 19, 1992, when she delivered a speech at the 1992 Republican Convention. It is ranked as one of the 100 greatest American speeches in the 20th Century. Since the steaming night in Houston, the world has come to know Mary as a gifted artist, a […]
Using a Colon Cancer Drug to Treat Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial tests the effectiveness of an approved colon cancer drug against advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.
Slowing the Growth of Pancreatic Tumors Before Surgery
A chemoradiation clinical trial tests standard chemotherapy plus an anti-malaria drug and compares two types of radiation treatments, to slow tumor growth.