Personalized Treatment Plans
497 articles
Slowing the Growth of One Type of Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumor
Dr. Kelsey Klute explains the advantages of the radiopharmaceutical lutetium Lu 177 dotatate treatment for certain neuroendocrine tumors.
International Advocacy Efforts Help Pancreatic Cancer Patients
#PurpleOur World, Fondazione Nadia Valsecchi, and The John E. Sabga Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer provide different types of advocacy for patients and caregivers from around the world.
Questions to Ask Before You Begin Chemotherapy
Do you want to better understand your pancreatic cancer treatment? Dr. Andrew Hendifar outlines important questions to ask before starting chemotherapy.
Let’s Win: Innovative Online Community Offers Guidance to Patients With Pancreatic Cancer and Their Families
The ASCO Post, a news publication of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, features Let’s Win and its mission to help pancreatic cancer patients.
Nurse Navigators Provide a Guide for the Pancreatic Cancer Journey
Are you overwhelmed by your pancreatic cancer diagnosis? Patricia Gambino explains how a nurse navigator can help you through the treatment process.
Drafting Your Health Care Team
If you have pancreatic cancer, a treatment team of experts from across the medical profession will make sure you get the best care.
Important Questions When Starting Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Gauri Varadhachary outlines the important questions to ask when you start treatment with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the March 2020 PancChat, pancreatic cancer experts discussed treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with other important issues for patients.