Other Science
476 articles
Practical Tips For Patients In Treatment
Long-term survivor and patient advocate Steven Merlin has a host of practical tips for patients to help manage life during treatment.
A New Approach to Overcome Drug Resistance
Dr. Despina Siolas is leading one of the sites where a new drug combination to combat the effects of KRAS mutations is under trial.
Three Ways to Be your Own Best Health Advocate
Leslie Michelson recommends putting together a health care team of friends, advocates and physicians for the best possible care after a cancer diagnosis.
After a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis, Know Your Benefits and Rights
If you have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer you are likely entitled to certain benefits under law. Read more to learn the details.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Vaccine Therapy With or Without Additional Immunotherapy
Can the immunotherapy combination of cancer vaccines and a checkpoint blockade drug work against metastatic pancreatic cancer?
Adding a New Drug to Standard Treatment for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
A clinical trial tests the effectiveness of napabucasin, a drug that affects the signaling pathways of cancer stem cells.
AVENGER 500 Clinical Trial Shows No Overall Survival Benefit
Data from the AVENGER 500 clinical trial explains why the trial’s goal was not met. A new trial with a different approach has launched.
Focusing on a Drug that Treats Specific Tumor Mutations
A clinical trial tests a signal-inhibiting drug for lung cancers with specific genetic mutations on gastrointestinal cancers with the same tumor mutations.
MRI-Guided Radiation: A New Option for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Parag Parikh and others are using MRI-guided radiation to provide precision radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer.