Pancreatic Cancer Basics

599 articles

September 15, 2022 • 3 Min

Kerri Kaplan

Kerri Kaplan is the President of the Lustgarten Foundation, which is America’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research and is relentlessly focused on improving patient outcomes. Kerri oversees all aspects of the Lustgarten Foundation’s operational activities, including major fundraising initiatives, patient outreach, and the Foundation’s in-depth research portfolio. Early in her career at the […]

Survivor Stories
August 27, 2020 • 1 Min

Watch Me

Miggie Olsson was not willing to accept that nothing could be done for her stage IV pancreatic cancer. She was determined to be a long-term survivor.

Survivor Stories
May 8, 2020 • 1 Min

I’m Going to Beat This

Amy Zaterman is a long-term survivor who relied on her mother for support during treatment for stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.

Survivor Stories
March 31, 2022 • 1 Min

Whatever It Takes To Get Through This

Pancreatic cancer long-term survivor Joel Weiss was treated in New York because the treatment he wanted was not available in Canada at that time.

May 15, 2024 • 2 Min

A New Triple Combination for Tumors with BRCA1/2 or PALB2 Mutations

A clinical trial is comparing a two-drug combination with a three-drug combination to see which works better for genetic mutations.

March 17, 2021 • 2 Min

Let’s Learn Webinar on Symptoms on March 25th

Are you a health care professional who wants to know more about the risks, symptoms, and treatments for pancreatic cancer? Join our Symptoms webinar to learn more!

Survivor Stories
May 9, 2024 • 1 Min

Better Than Ever

Long-term survivor Abby Pezzulo’s children very young when she was diagnosed with PNET, so she focused on them and her husband to get through.

Survivor Stories
October 2, 2018 • 1 Min

There Is Hope for Everyone

Lee Ringuette is a 17-year pancreatic cancer survivor who changed doctors, underwent two surgeries, and grueling chemotherapy.

Survivor Stories
October 25, 2018 • 1 Min

Just Continue to Fight

Roberta Luna has been fighting pancreatic cancer for 15 years. She lost both her parents, her uncle, and her grandmother to the disease but she keeps on fighting.

November 18, 2020 • 1 Min

Instagram Live with Dr. Allyson Ocean and Andrew Rakeman, Ph.D.

Dr. Allyson Ocean and Andrew Rakeman, Ph.D., got together on Instagram Live to discuss pancreatic cancer, risks, symptoms, and research.

Survivor Stories
February 26, 2021 • 1 Min

I Can Really Do This

William Ramshaw suffered serious infections during treatment for pancreatic cancer, but grit got him through as a long-term survivor.

Survivor Stories
June 18, 2020 • 1 Min

You Can Beat the Odds

Richard Blish, a long-term survivor of pancreatic cancer, was directed to a clinical trial by his immunologist daughter. The trial saved his life.

Survivor Stories
January 16, 2019 • 1 Min

Hope on the Horizon

In this Survivors Series—Year Two video, meet the doctors and researchers working to find new treatments and early screening tests for pancreatic cancer.

Disease Management
August 25, 2022 • 4 Min

Calming the Storm of a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis

Social worker Angie Heller and caregiver Richard Cohen describe ways patients and loved ones can focus on what matters most after diagnosis.