
Radiation is a powerful tool in the fight against pancreatic cancer. Find out about the new radiation treatments available today and those that are on the horizon for tomorrow.

17 Articles

A confocal microscopy image of a fibroblast showing the football-shaped nucleus (blue), dots of mitochondria (red), and wispy strands of the actin cytoskeleton (green), all against a black background
September 27, 2016 • 2 Min

High-Dose Focused Radiation after Surgical Removal of Pancreatic Tumors

A clinical trial looks at the effectiveness of stereotactic body radiation therapy in killing cancer cells in the margins after pancreatic tumor removal.

Close up of a microscope in lighting with blues, purples and greens
September 14, 2016 • 2 Min

Slowing the Growth of Pancreatic Tumors Before Surgery

A chemoradiation clinical trial tests standard chemotherapy plus an anti-malaria drug and compares two types of radiation treatments, to slow tumor growth.

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