Disease Management
Educate yourself about pancreatic cancer and learn ways to make your life more comfortable during and after treatment. Find information on nutrition, exercise, and more to help you navigate life with pancreatic cancer.
84 Articles

Calming the Storm of a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis
Social worker Angie Heller and caregiver Richard Cohen describe ways patients and loved ones can focus on what matters most after diagnosis.

Pancreatic Cancer and Drug Interactions: What You Need to Know
Pharmacist Trevor Christ emphasizes the importance of sharing your medication list with your medical team and pharmacist.

Stay Fit During Cancer Treatment
Researcher Christina Dieli-Conwright discusses the benefits of exercise during pancreatic cancer treatments, and ways patients can stay fit.

What You Should Know about Palliative Care and Pain Management
Dr. Milagros Silva outlines what a palliative care doctor does and explains pain management for cancer patients.

Summer Safety for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
In the heat of the summer, pancreatic cancer patients face summer safety challenges so they don’t overheat, burn, or exhaust themselves.

The Key Role of an Oncology Dietitian in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Not sure what to eat during treatment? Oncology dietitian Antonella Apicella explains how to tailor an eating plan to your needs.

My Eight-Year Un-Celebration of Surviving Pancreatic Cancer
William Ramshaw shares his thoughts and advice for those in treatment, on reaching the eight-year pancreatic cancer survivor mark.

Steven Merlin and Davi D’Agostino Team Up to Help Others
Pancreatic cancer patient advocates Steven Merlin and Davi D’Agostino have joined to pool expertise and information for other patients.

International Advocacy Efforts Help Pancreatic Cancer Patients
#PurpleOur World, Fondazione Nadia Valsecchi, and The John E. Sabga Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer provide different types of advocacy for patients and caregivers from around the world.

Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. William Breitbart provides tips for your mental health during pancreatic cancer treatment, and an explanation of who can provide help.

What Exactly Does an Oncology Pharmacist Do?
An oncology pharmacist plays an important role on a patient’s care team. Learn more from Dr. Tammy McClellan about what oncology pharmacists do.

Cancer Commons: Bringing a Nurse Navigator to Cancer Patients
Nurse navigator Deborah Christensen helps Cancer Commons patients through the maze of clinical trials and treatment options.

The Power of Therapeutic Laughter
Dr. Suneel Kamath and pancreatic cancer patient Sandy Robis discuss the important role of laughter in cancer treatment.

At the Table: Advocating For Yourself
Patients and survivors discuss the value of advocating for yourself during treatment, whether choosing a doctor or participating in a trial.