892 Articles

Cancer Commons: Democratizing Cancer Care
Do you need a different treatment for your pancreatic cancer? Lola Rahib explains how Cancer Commons Virtual Tumor Board works for patients.

A Look at MEK and Autophagy Inhibition
Dr. Conan Kinsey looks at the MEK pathway as way to make immunotherapy more effective for pancreatic cancer patients.

No Time to Wait: UK Pancreatic Cancer Patients Struggle with Treatment and Diagnostic Delays
Peter De Rosa of Pancreatic Cancer UK provides an update on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pancreatic cancer patients in the UK.

Finding More Targets for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Noelle LoConte discusses a clinical trial for cancer patients, including pancreatic cancer patients, that have an NRG1 gene fusion.

Comparing Effectiveness of Chemotherapy Before and After Surgery
Is chemotherapy before and after pancreatic cancer surgery more effective than just chemotherapy after surgery?

A Year in Review: 2020
In March 2020, life as we knew it changed. The way we work, the way we gather, the way we each live our daily lives all felt upended, seemingly overnight. The global pandemic of COVID-19 affected everything, including cancer care and research. COVID-19 brought new risks to cancer patients, whose immune systems are compromised from […]

This Versus That: Words to Know
Confused about some of the similar-sounding terms you are hearing during pancreatic cancer treatment? Our list of words to know can help.

Cachexia Research Gaining Momentum
Why do pancreatic cancer patients lose weight even if they are eating well? Dr. Teresa Zimmers explains the syndrome called cachexia.

Medical Diet Study for Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Researchers are looking at the role of one particular nutrient in a diet study for pancreatic cancer patients.