892 Articles

CRISPR-Engineered Immunotherapy for Metastatic GI Tract Cancers
CRISPR technology is used as part of an immunotherapy clinical trial for metastatic pancreatic cancer and other GI cancers.

New-Onset Diabetes Plus Unintentional Weight Loss Emerging as an Important Clue In Earlier Detection
Dr. Brian Wolpin outlines the connection between unintentional weight loss, new-onset diabetes, and pancreatic cancer.

Crafting a Medical Family Tree
Dr. Diane Simeone and genetic counselor Jessica Everett explain why it is important to create a medical family tree for pancreatic cancer.

PARP Inhibitor as Maintenance for Pancreatic Cancer Patients with BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB2 Mutations
A new clinical trial tests a PARP inhibitor as maintenance treatment for pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA1/2 or PALB2 mutations.

At the Table: Anxiety Before Each Chemotherapy Treatment
Read this roundtable discussion with pancreatic cancer patients and survivors as they share insights into how they manage their anxiety around treatment.

Let’s Win has reached its 5th anniversary. Read about our development and what we have accomplished in 5 short years.

Let’s Win Turns 5!
Let’s Win has reached its 5th anniversary! We have grown, with more than 500 original stories about treatments and trials to help patients.

Studying a New Approach for the Liquid Biopsy
Drs. Allyson Ocean and Ying-Hsiu Su lead a liquid biopsy pilot study looking for KRAS proteins in urine, to detect pancreatic cancer.